Accurate Decimal/Big Number Addition using C
Decimal calculations can be inaccurate on most computers. When adding float or double type numbers, there can be some unwanted digits in the results. (example on the left) Our team designed different algorithms to complete this task, with each of us attempting to...
Testing our RoboCup Rescue Demonstration Simulation Code
A huge part of building a reliable RoboCup Rescue Demonstration Simulation Competition robot is testing. David from our team played a huge part in this, as he designed different tests for our robot to pass. He designed worlds that tested our vision, mapping,...
RCJ Rescue Simulation Demonstration Competition Ends with TFA 309 Finishing First
Our team, TFA 309, finished first at 2020 RoboCup Junior Rescue Simulation Demonstration Competition last week. We would like to congratulate the other teams on their performances, and look forward to the next competition.
Avoiding obstacles in Webot’s Rescue Simulation
Obstacle detection is huge part of the RCJ Rescue Demo competition. During the RoboCup Rescue Simulation Demonstration Competition, one of the viewers asked TFA Team 309 how they detected an obstacle. This is a very good question, as our team had trouble with this as...
Making a reliable Computer Vision Letter Detection Algorithm
In the RoboCup Rescue Simulation Demo Competition, a reliable visual victim finding algorithm is crucial for success. Each successful victim identification can be worth 40 points, which can add up to be the difference between first and second. Our victim...
Testing Image Processing Algorithms in a Webots World
In the 2020 RoboCup Junior Simulation Demonstration Competition, one of the objectives is to differentiate between letters using Computer Vision. A correct identification gains bonus points, and every point can matter in the event. In the past, our team had used...