In the RCJ Soccer Simulation Demonstration Competition, there are walls that can slow robots down.

These walls can result in a robot getting stuck, and ultimately losing control. It is essential that our team avoid these circumstances.

Robot without wall avoidance 

In the following video, you can see how our robot sometimes gets caught on the wall, and the ball runs away. The robot loses its control over the ball, and can not dictate where the play goes. 

Robot with wall avoidance

In this video, you can see how our robot avoids walls. The robot rarely touches the wall, and is often pushing the play of the game. The ball is always in front of the robot, and always very near. 

This is thanks to creating an offset on the predicted point. If the predicted point is within a few cm from a wall, then we can say that the predicted point is an offset amount away from the wall. This ensures that the robot will never be able to go farther than the offset amount.